An Amazing Exchange Student Experience in Kasetsart University

New year comes, so does hope! In this atmosphere of early 2018, many people create new resolutions to be reached in this 2018. Maybe they wish that the dream which is planned in previous year can be achieved this year. I also feel the same feeling, I'm facing this new year with full of spirit and optimism. It's our primer necessary to renew our dream, resetting the plan based on evaluation in the previous year In this post, I wanna tell you about awesome experience which I have been achieved in the previous year. 2017 such as be awesome year for me, because much of my dreams can be achieved well. I still remember the time, when new year came in 2017 I have ever written about my plans on lecture book. The writing was about my dream to win more student competitions and go abroad. In that time, I've never been abroad before. So I really enthusiastic to write that dream. Finally, that opportunity came for me which was gave me much amazing moment in one of the best ASEAN country namely Thailand.

In this post, I'll specifically tell some of my experiences while doing exchange activity in Kasetsart University. So, Kasetsart University is one of universities in Thailand which is concern in agriculture field and related sciences. Kasetsart University is the first agricultural university and Thailand's third oldest University. It was established on 2 February 1943. Then Kasetsart University has expanded some subject areas in economic, business administration, veterunary medicine, engineering, science, social sciences, humanities, education, and archiecture. Besides that, KU also intends to include health science and medicine in the future. KU has divided into four campus, the biggest campus located in Bangkhen, a north area of Bangkok. It's about 135 hectares and provides 15 faculties include graduate school. Other campus located in Kamphaeng Saen, this campus specifically covers in agricultural subject areas include 6 faculties. This is the biggest and the first branch of Kasetsart University. The second branch is Sriracha campus, it was established in 1988 and occupies an arean of 32 hectares in Siracha District of Chon Buri Province. This campus provides 5 faculties which cover economic, engineering, and science. And the other is Chalermphrakiat Sakhon Nakhon Province Campus, this campus covers on 4 faculties in public health, liberal arts and management sciences, natural resources and agro-industry, science and engineering. Alhamdulillah, in 2017 I have opportunity to do student visit in one of their campus. Because of my major is agribusiness, so you must be know what campus I will visit? Yes, absolutely true, I have visited campus on Kamphaeng saen, Nakhon Pathom district.

In front of gate of Kasetsart University
Well, honestly this opportunity is not 100 % pure of student exchange which was we should take some credits or lectures in the class. Firstly, my faculty have planned that this activity in Thailand was about 2 months, but because of something crowded in my faculty so this agenda only took a week. ^-^

Firstly, when I arrived in Kamphaeng Saen after long journey from Bangkok we decided to go in the  dean office faculty of agriculture in KU. It's about 3.00 p.m., and my first impression about this campus was cool and very natural--there were many trees and there was lake in front of main office of the dean here. And I only saw a few students, maybe because it was still a holiday for the final exam's preparation week. The calm situation in here is rather different with my university where located in the middle of city, and occupied only about 50 hectares for all the faculty buildings. Besides that, the student in my university is over from 60.000 students. So, the learning climate and the situation is very dynamic. 
The main building the faculty of agriculture in Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen campus

OK, this afternoon we will do welcoming speech for the first introduction of our entire activities. We were greeted by Mrs. Lalida Masiri who being the head of International Officer in KU KPS Campus. For this session, we were given some explanation about Kasetsart University and the faculty in Kamphaeng Saen campus. Mrs. Lalida told us that KU KPS campus was the research center for agricultural sector in Thailand. Many researcher, stake holder, farmer, and government do collaboration with this campus for the agricultural development in Thailand. Mrs. Lalida also explained briefly about our schedule in this program for a week.

This is Mrs. Lalida who briefly explained to us about Kasetsart University

 Fortunately, Mrs. Lalida said that we come here in the best time. First, because there would be Loi Kratong Festival in the tomorrow night and there was new elected dean in this faculty. Other information was about our accommodation include the home stay / dormitory, food, etc. Actually, for the exchange student have been provided a dormitory for staying here. But, because of the dormitory was full until December (2017), we were provided a home stay in Saen Palm Training Home, the location was not far from the campus but it was absolutely worth it to be occupied for the student.

Saen Palm Training Home room's condition

OK, that's all about our activities in the first day. Actually, everyday there was epic story to tell, but it was too long to be told in here. Maybe I'll give you an example for that. So, for this program we have prepared our souvenir to be given for dean and the faculty. It was given as our form of honor for having accepted us very well here. But, there was scene which was my friend named Annisa who brought this souvenir during the journey forgot about this souvenir and left it on the plane. We were all very confused, include our supervisor Mr. Sony. He was upset for this and asked the team to looked for the solutions. Then, I had an idea for this. I've ever bought some other souvenir such as official pen, sticker, and key chain from Brawijaya University. In the night, in the lobby of home stay, we gathered together as a full team and started arranging those goods such as pen, sticker, and key chains into beautiful souvenir. The pen series created formation like propeller with the sticker was be assembled on the bottom of the formation. Yeah, that's what named as creativity!!! :D Mr. Sony as our supervisor only showed smile with that job. LOL.

On the next day, we attended official welcoming meeting from the dean. It was nice when we knew that all students here were given some souvenir also by the dean. And as a feedback, we also handed our souvenir to the dean. Hehe, that's our creation last night, my heart whispered.

This is us--student from UB, with the other Indonesian Student who pursuing master degree in here.

The new dean has given all of student the souvenir in form of official tie clip from Kasetsart University


Next day, we were going to explore more about KU KPS campus. In the morning after doing welcoming meeting with the dean, we went to plant pathology department. In this department, we learnt more about the indigenous insects from Thailand, the role of natural enemy for agricultural process, how to protect crop from pest, etc. We learnt directly in the field, such as exploring the insect museum both the museum of insects that have been preserved or living insect museum. One interesting fact that you should know is KU KPS Campus has the biggest insect dorm in ASEAN (or maybe Asia? I'm forget!). That was extremely cool when you can see lots of insects, butterflies, ants, etc lived together and created the sustainable cycle in the environment. For you student in Plant Pathology Department, learning climate and the facility which have been being provided by KU KPS Campus will fulfill your expectation and passion.

Insect dome buildings--the biggest insect museum in ASIA or ASEAN

Situation inside of living insect museum. The laboratory assistance explained us about the kinds of insects in this museum

After that, we visited and learnt in Tropical Vegetable Research Center (TVRC). TVRC establishment is aimed to conduct R&D in vegetable varieties and production technology for tropical climate. Besides that, TVRC also aimed as platform to collect agricultural product and find the best system in cultivation. In here, we can find many tropical vegetables coming from Thailand or overseas. One fact that I found from this visitation, I could know that vegetables which was often we think as trivial vegetables, actually has many benefits for health and high value as export commodity. In addition to its main tasks aforementioned, TVRC also conducts research works with other organizations both inside or outside campus, corporation, farmer, and government. For example, KU KPS campus will provide research work for finding high quality seeds to be sold to corporation or farmer. This is linear with the program of government to increase the productivity, it's needed high quality of seeds. Then, the role of university not only as learning place but also as research center which conducts development of a nation and its people welfare, and of course better life in the future.
TVRC also provides space to demonstrate the crop harvest of tropical agriculture in front of the dean building. It is one of beautiful spots in KU KPS campus for you who love the horticulture product, clean and green environment. <3

The lecture explained to us in the field. Such a nice of learning experience!

Next activity is orchid farm. As we know, orchid is important commodity in Thailand. Thailand become leading country as exporter of cut orchids.  Every year, Thailand able to exchange orchid into billions of baht. That's why, in Faculty of agriculture, especially in agronomy, horticulture department, orchid becomes one of important plants which was must be learnt. KU KPS campus has some research and field to grow the orchid. This department committed to find the best technique in cultivating the orchid. The top varieties of orchid were sought and developed in here: Dendrobium sonia and Phalaenopsis amabilis. Next post, I'll write about Neo Farm--a private corporation in Thailand owned by young entrepreneur who success to export and develop orchid overseas. ;)

The last of our activity in this campus exploration is visitation in animal science department. In this university, this major included in the name of Faculty of Agriculture. But, the university like Brawijaya University and Bogor Agricultural University have been conducted this department as independent department and it has its own faculty--Faculty of Animal Husbandry. Well, it's unique visitation for me, because it's a new atmosphere that refreshed my mind after learning and seeing all about plant and agriculture. For me as agribusiness student, actually learning about animal science is a new experience. But, I'll try to understand the topic discussion and link it with the goal of agribusiness namely provide healthy food and get high value of economic in food product. (That's my way for learning this department hehe).
Animal Science Research Center a.k.a Cowboy Land is the other hallmark of KU KPS campus. This research center is aimed to develop the cow variety in Thailand by crossing the genes of the original Thai cattle with the parent of another country such as Charolais bull and Brahman bull. From this genetic crossing, resulted high quality of beef named by KU 5. This number five indicated as the number of cow variety which was produced started from KU 1-KU 5. The total duration for this dedication research have spent time about 40 years. KU 5 was very popular in the society because it has big body size, rapid growth, good meet quality, excellent adaptability with tropical climate of Thailand, and high fertility. That's from the upstream agribusiness system, now the thing that made me amazed was the KU system that also provided downstream system of agribusiness. After the cow was adult, so it's ready to be processed into ready meet in the market. The staff distributed the cow from the farms to the store, then the staff will cut it into some pieces, and pack it with wrapping plastic. Finally, the staff will give it a label to promote their identity. By the way guys, for you who interest to look for more information about this department, or the agribusiness system you can visit the link

This is one of researcherS in Cowboy Land
who briefly explain to us about the research of KU Beef

Beef store in KU as the downstream facility of agribusiness
to provide better education and practical learning for student

Maybe, that's all our first activity in Kasetsart University. For you who have curiosity for continuing your bachelor or master degree here, you can click on official website of Kasetsart University and search deeper information about the whole requirements to join exchange student or degree in here. Good luck for 2018. If we believe with our dream, universe will support us!

"It's not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligence, but the one most responsive to change" -Charless Darwin


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